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I love you, Kim

March 6, 2009

Kim, you are my hero.   And if there’s anyone out there who was wondering when I would blog again in a kind of for real way, you are their hero too. 

*crickets chirping*

Okay, Kim, you are MY hero.

So you know that saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”  Yes, that is a good rule of thumb to live by, but it makes for a quiet blog sometimes.  Especially when you go to the doctor, arrive 30 minutes EARLY, and then still wait 30 minutes AFTER your appointment time to be seen.

Hold on.  I’m taking a deep breath.  I’m counting to ten…

Better now.

Anyway, Kim tagged me.  Right here.  Kearsie has done this too. 

I am now going to show you my purse, then dump it out to talk about the contents.  Fo’ real.  Those of us who have done this are going against the grain, baby!  Showing the contents of our purses, a sacred treasure box holding the very essence of our souls!  (What?  Too much?)

First, let me show you why this is going to be the least interesting purse dump post in the history of purse dump posts:


Those are my purses.  I change them out often, so my purse gets cleared out fairly regularly.  So, Kim, my purse is always kind of clean.  I know, I know.  It’s as boring as my snacking on reduced fat Oreos and skim milk.

Anyway, see that fabulous red bag in the back on the right?  It was given to me by an even more fabulous friend.  That’s the one I used today.  Its contents:


What do we have here, huh?  Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way — yes, there is a feminine product right up there on the upper left.  We all know they’re in there from time to time, nothing to be embarrassed about!  The little tan snappy thing holds business cards, library cards, etc.  (Did you just yawn?  How rude!)  Then my brush, some hand lotion, and saline.  My red wallet and my cell phone are there.  My calendar, a mechanical pencil and a pen.  I went prepared to the doctor’s office, bringing Pathway to Purpose for Women along with me.  And if the feminine product wasn’t enough for you, the doctor just so happened to give me some literature on pelvic pain and laparoscopy after my visit.  Score!

I missed something?  Oh, the little football-shaped thing in the upper right?  That’s my makeup bag.  Want me to dump it too?


Concealer.  Eyeliner.  Eye drops.  Pressed powder.  My girls’ hair clips.  Lip gloss.  Chapstick.  Four tubes of lipstick.

Who needs four tubes of lipstick, you ask?  The woman who actually owns this many:


That’s from my case of lipstick.   There’s at least $200 worth of lipstick there, because a lot of it is Estee Lauder thanks to my mom’s use of their products and their free gift with purchase and my mom not using the colors they freely give her. 

What can you tell about me from my purse dump? 

I’d like to see a couple people do this myself.  The Funny Sister — for the love of all things holy, just blog!!  And Mommy’s Heart.  I wonder how many coupons you’ll have…

5 Comments leave one →
  1. soundsliketomatoes permalink
    March 6, 2009 3:48 pm

    Dang woman, that is a lot of lipstick.

    Also, you’re so brave to take a picture of your feminine item. I didn’t even have the courage to do that, only calling mine a “ladies item”. I know, nice.

    Also, I’m a tad bit envious of your large assortment of bags. I have one. Just one. And if it breaks, I’ll have to resort to stuffing my pockets, because nothing is sexier than going to Walmart with the entire contents of your broken back bulging from your pockets.

  2. soundsliketomatoes permalink
    March 6, 2009 4:17 pm

    Dang. Broken BAG, not broken BACK.


  3. March 6, 2009 4:42 pm


    I was so close, SO CLOSE, to predicting there would be a book in your purse, a Christian book at that! I should have put that in…darn.

    Lovely purses, I must say…I get the lipstick thing, too…

    I lurve you, too…

  4. Leslie Stanton permalink
    March 6, 2009 10:09 pm

    Ha, that’s funny! I was thinking just EXACTLY what the first commenter said….DANG GIRL, you’ve got a lot of lipstick! 🙂

  5. March 10, 2009 9:10 pm

    I’m still mad that you get all the makeup freebies just because you live down there. Maybe I’d actually start wearing it more if I got it free. See, you’d get your wish.

    I’ll blog soon enough. Let me get over the stomach flu. FUN TIMES.

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